Two New Tools In Your AncestryDNA Arsenal

Anytime you get new tools for your DNA toolbox is a great day and this week was no exception. Earlier this week I noticed something on my AncestryDNA account that I was sure wasn’t there before. You know that feeling that you get… “was that always there?” … “no I don’t think so”… “did I just miss it?”  Oh, you don’t talk that way to yourself? ….errrrrr neither do I.

Just kidding, let me show you what I’m talking about.

Matches Map

When you first log in to your AncestryDNA matches to the right near the “search matches” button you’ll see the “Matches Map” (see above).  When I saw this earlier this week I assure you it didn’t say Beta like it does now. When you click on the Matches Map button you get this view.

Those pins that have numbers mean there are that many matches in that area. So as you zoom on the map each of those pins with numbers separates and become individual pinpoints. Then if you click on the pin you are able to learn the matches username and where they are located. Keep in mind that this works if you’ve match has put their location in their profile. (So be sure to add it to your profile). Then if you click the pinpoint again you can go to that matches profile and use all the regular tools that you could use before. Such as what matches you might have in common with them and look at their tree and birth locations of ancestors if they have a public tree.  As you may have seen a little while ago AncestryDNA now shows if they have a public tree even if your match hasn’t linked it.

cM and Segments

So the other great thing that’s happened this week at AncestryDNA was the launch they had yesterday. It had the genealogy world all abuzz because now you can see how many centimorgans (cM) and segments you have in common with your matches as soon as you open up your match list. Have a look at some of my cousins.

(if you’re wondering about those colored dots on the left or the little people icon on the right you’ll want to read my previous post; There’s A New DNA Tool On The Web.

So you no longer have to go into your matches profile to find out the cM and segment detail but if you do go on your matches profile you’ll still be able to see that detail if you click on the small

i button as shown above.

In case your wondering what you get when you click on the compare icon that’s on the match page (this was added a little while ago). You get a comparison of yourself and the match. So it again tells you how much DNA you share in cM and segments.  It will tell you the ethnicity of yourself and your match. It warns you if your match hasn’t updated their ethnicity recently… remember that happened a couple of weeks ago so they may not have. It also lets you know if you have shared migration results and who you immediately have in common.

That’s what I like about AncestryDNA. They have the largest DNA pool in the world and they continue to develop new tools that will help you learn more about your results. Will it tell you how you connect with a cousin that you might not know the connection too? No, not necessarily, that’s up to you.  But with a bit of searching your matches and seeing who you have in common with them and the surnames, you have in common when you do triangulation you can or you will with time. Of course, you also have to do some good old fashion genealogy and you have to encourage others to have their DNA tested. After all; I’m always looking for more cousins….. Aren’t you?

If you’d like to test at AncestryDNA Canada you can get more information HERE.

If you’d like to test at AncestryDNA USA you can get more information HERE.


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Note: The post above contains affiliate links. This means I make a percentage on sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. It’s  simply a supplement to my income so I can continue  to support The DNA Angel Project™ and to make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society.

1 Comment

  • Tim Perrott says:

    I had to laugh when I read your description of finding the “Matches Map” feature on Ancestry (e.g., “was that always there?” …), as that was exactly my reaction. I didn’t test with Ancestry until this summer, so I still consider myself a bit of a ‘newbie’ when it comes to navigating their DNA results pages (I’ve been a member off and on since at least 2003, but only to research records and have an online version of my family tree). In any event, it’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who has those moments of self-doubt.
