With All The Changes At AncestryDNA It’s A Wonder I Get Anything Done

I’m not complaining, but it’s true. With all the recent changes at AncestryDNA, it’s getting harder and harder not to be looking at DNA results when I should be doing laundry or some other fun activities here at the house.

So what’s the newest change at AncestryDNA? Well, it’s the DNA match page. Now when you click on your match, you’ll see something like the photo below.

AncestryDNA new match’s page

What you see is the typical information about your match; centimorgans and segments, as well as, I can see the pink dot that I’ve chosen for the Beaton/Batten mystery. You can also see my notes about the surnames that this match has that I have an interested.

The new part is the view of the 5 generation tree (if they have one available). Also below that is a list of surnames that are in both their’s and my tree and finally a map that shows ancestor locations that are common to both our trees.

Surnames common to my match and my tree

The layout of the tabs has also changed. Previously on the right was the list of family surnames and a partial look at the DNA matches tree (with a link to the larger tree). Then in the center was a list of in common matches and then finally on the right it was all the locations in your matches tree.

Now in the new view, on the right is what we’ve seen above, then in the center is a comparison of the ethnicity of my match and myself. It also identifies any shared migration patterns. Finally, on the right are the shared matches.

Ethnicity page

I’m going to miss the location information as I used it quite often to identify all the potential locations that might be of importance. There still is a map on the ethnicity page that was from the location page, so perhaps this is a work in progress. I think I’ll contact Ancestry and give them the feedback that I miss the locations page.

By the way; I hope you know that you can always give feedback on the changes that are made. I’m not saying that things will change back, but if there are enough people that let Ancestry know they like or dislike something, then they will consider that feedback. Or if you think of something you wish you were able to see, give them that feedback as well. You never know you might be suggesting the next big change.

If you’d like to purchase a Ancestry DNA kit here are the links

 AncestryDNA – US AncestryDNA – Canada AncestryDNA – Australia AncestryDNA – UK

Note: The post above contains affiliate links. This means I make a percentage on sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. It’s  simply a supplement to my income so I can continue  to support The DNA Angel Project and to make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society