And Suddenly; You’ve Got Mail


Sometimes you can go for a very, very, very, long time before you make a new connection. But suddenly you look at your email or your ancestry account and there it is; YOU’VE GOT MAIL.

That’s what happened to me yesterday when I got back from a recent break my husband; Kevin took me on for my birthday. We were gone for a week and I hadn’t look at my Ancestry account for the entire time I was away and if you know me; that’s incredible.

My new found cousin;  let’s call her M,  had just got the results from her DNA kit and I was a  2nd -3rd cousin match.  As it turns out she is my 2nd cousin. What makes it quite interesting is that this is a line that I really don’t know a lot about.  As I look at her tree I’m intrigued to see that her mother died in Oklahoma. For those of you that live in the U.S. I’m sure you’re thinking; so what’s so special about that? Well her mother was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, so I’m interested to see what has happened with that family line and how they ended up living in Oklahoma which is 1800 miles away.

I’ve replied to her message so now I wait.  I love the waiting;  it’s like when you were a kid and your waiting for Santa to arrive. Your know your going to get something and you hope it’s that something you’ve always wanted.

What makes it really cool is M’s last name is very fitting; it’s Cousins.


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