As you know in among all the things I do I have a personal project that some of you joined me in
As I was sorting through and scanning the photos I came across a few that reminded me of a time in 1970. I live in Edmonton, Alberta and we have an annual exhibition. At the time of my story, it was called Klondike Days but it’s also been called Capital Ex and it’s
As a child, going to Klondike Days was a big deal. My mom and my Auntie Edna would take “the kids” (my two brothers, my two cousins and myself) out for the day. We would walk the grounds looking at exhibits and go on rides. I wasn’t much for rides but I did enjoy the Ferris wheel and a wilder ride (that I can’t remember the name of) that spun around forward and backward to music. We would eat the food from the three major food groups. Corn dogs, Cotton candy, and Mini donuts.
Back on that summer day in 1970, it was getting close to 11 pm and we were tired after a full day. Each evening before the fireworks started, the event organizers would draw a number from the adult admission. The holder of that admission number would win $1050.00.
Mom had decided she’s wasn’t going to stop for the draw but just listen for the number over the radio. We were on our way to our prearranged spot where my dad was to pick us up. I’m not sure why she changed her mind but she did go to the grandstand where they drew the number and she was there in time to hear her number.
She was given $1000 and a leather sack with $50 in silver Klondike Dollars. (My dad still has some of the coins and the leather sack) Winning the draw also meant that she was in a parade down Jasper Avenue riding in a stagecoach along with Klondike Kate.
This entire story came back to me as I scanned these photos.

Now that I’ve remembered the story and have the photos why not add it to the family history book I’m creating with Forever Artisan 5? So here is the page that I’ve added. Each time I come across something that I want to put in the book I can create a new page. It can be about someone that I knew or an ancestor I’ve discovered something about. But either way; adding a page at a time is more manageable for me and I’m more likely to get it done. Here’s my newest page. On the next page, I’ll add the newspaper article with the dates that I can figure out by going to Newspapers.com

P.S. I spoke to my dad about this story and he added to the details. There was actually another ticket with the same number as my mom’s so Klondike Days had to pay the prize out twice. He also told me that with the money they bought a new washer, dryer, and dishwasher and had some money left over. (those were the days.)
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Wonderful memories, Thanks for sharing, Ellen. I loved Klondike days. We always used to go to the parade and I especially loved how everyone would dress up in Klondike Days clothes. We would follow it up with a trip to The Bay for malted shakes.
Yes, it was fun dressing up and going to the parade. Going through these albums are bringing back the memories.
Wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing. Too bad I wasn’t the Klondike Kate that shared the stagecoach with your mom. I was a later Klondike Kate in 1985 and 1986 but they were all wonderful years.
Yes, that would have been cool. You were just a young girl when this all happened.