(The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol.)
This post and the many posts I hope to write in the future will be dedicated to all the blogs and tools I come across that I’d like to keep for myself, but perhaps they would be helpful to you as well. Some weeks the list may be short, and some may be long. It’s my way of cleaning up all the tabs I open, thinking I will come back, only to find myself with too many tabs open. At today’s writing, I had fifty-four, but I won’t write about them all as some are multiple tabs open on Ancestry and MyHeritage.
I hope you find this week’s list helpful.
- Gramps – a FREE software program to store your genealogy, but you can donate or contribute.
- Six Levels of Ancestral Profiles – Written by genealogist Yvette Hoitink from the Netherlands, this is her level-up challenge that she started in 2021. The thought is that you look at each generation of your family tree and give that generation a rating depending on the information you have. The spreadsheet that you will find a link to is broken down into blocks representing yourself, your parents, your grandparents, and so on.
- An Amazon search for a book written by Harlan Coben. I drive in the car often, and when I do, I’m listening to an audiobook. Harlan has become a favorite author. I’m leaning toward I Will Find You. Let me know if you’ve read it and if you liked it.
- DNA Painter – I almost always have this tab open to the Shared cM Tool . I have a subscription to DNA Painter, and I use many of the tools, but there are still a few that I need to delve into. What do you use the most?
- NYS Historical Newspapers – This past week, I had cause to look for my 2x great-grandparents’ wedding announcement, and I found it on this site. On the site’s About page, it states; The New York Historic Newspapers project exists to digitize and make freely available for research significant runs of historic newspapers for every county in the state.
- Fishing In Your Match List With MyHeritage DNA Tools – This is a FREE webinar available at Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Some webinars require a subscription, but in this case, it’s not necessary. You may also want to watch another webinar by Paul Woodbury called Connecting the Dots – Introduction to Auto Clusters at MyHeritageDNA (FREE)
Note: The post above contains affiliate links. This means I make a small percentage of the sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. This is a supplement to my income so I can continue to support this blog and make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society.