
My name is Ellen Thompson-Jennings, and I’m the self-proclaimed Family History Hound.

On my Bio, you’ll find my other social media links.

My journey into genealogy began in my teens when I interviewed my great-grandmother using questions from a book. I worked on my genealogy for a time, but then children came along, and life got busy, so I put the answers she gave in a cardboard box that I kept for over 40 years. Then, 20+ years ago, I decided I could do this; I had the time. That’s when this journey started. Through family history, I’ve discovered numerous cousins; I’ve learned who my ancestors were and, in some cases, why they did what they did.

Along the way, I started my store, Shop the Hound, where I like to showcase tools for genealogy and DNA and some of the fun things I think you’ll like. I also offer my services through my store, and you can see my services HERE. Or, if you want, you can book time with me to discuss your project through my Calendar.

My life revolves around three main passions: genealogy, genetic genealogy, and preserving my family history.

I discovered genetic genealogy in 2010. Since then, I’ve tested each of my parents as well as their siblings. If their siblings were no longer alive, I then tested my cousins. This extensive testing across various DNA companies, coupled with training from experts in genetic genealogy, has equipped me to assist others in uncovering their roots through DNA. My deep dive into genetic genealogy can help you.

My expertise in genetic genealogy has enabled me to help adoptees find their biological families and help others learn more about themselves and their families through their DNA and solve a mystery or two.

My latest endeavor is my YouTube channel, where I have videos about all these topics. I hope you have a look and subscribe to my channel.

A natural extension of genealogy is the preservation and organization of family photos. Having amassed a significant collection of my photos, alongside those received from cousins and inherited from my parents, I’ve become proficient in sorting, organizing, and sharing these precious memories. I use FOREVER for my collection and am a FOREVER Senior Ambassador, so if you need help, you can check out the site. If you sign up, I’ll be your Ambassador and help you with your collection.

If you need assistance with genetic genealogy or photo organization, please book a 15-minute one-on-one session with me on my calendar to discuss your project.

I hope you’ll follow my blog and my journey.

If you like this and other articles you’ve seen, never miss one. Sign up and join the hunt. I’d be thrilled to have you as part of my “pack.”

Want to email me? Click the envelope…

 Contact Us 

You can also find us on Facebook at Hound on the Hunt. 

On Instagram as familyhisthound

On Twitter as @familyhisthound

YouTube as Ellen Thompson-Jennings

If you’d like to organize your photos, you may want to join my Facebook group called Getting My Poop In A Group.

Hound on the Hunt has been selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 100 Genealogy Blogs on the web.

Note:  From time to time, I provide links to products and/or services that I believe may be of interest to my readership. In some cases, the links are affiliate links to products and services that I fully endorse. A portion of the monies earned from the affiliate marketing is donated to the Alzheimer’s Society and fund The DNA Angel Project™.

If you’d like to read our policy page you can find that HERE.
