Here you will find products that can help you organize your genealogy. Additional items will be added as they are found.
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Written by Drew Smith who is an Associate Librarian with the USF Tampa Library, and was the 2016 winner of the Filby Award for Genealogical Librarianship, presented by the National Genealogical Society.
Organize Your Genealogy features:
- Secrets to developing organized habits that will maximize your research time and progress
- Hints for setting up the right physical and online work spaces
- Proven, useful systems for organizing paper and electronic documents
- Tips for managing genealogy projects and goals
- The best tools for organizing every aspect of your ancestry research
- Easy-to-use checklists and worksheets to apply the book’s strategies

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Written by Diane Elder and Nicole Dyer
Diana Elder shares her step-by-step method using real world examples, easily understood by any level of genealogist; written for the researcher ready to take their skills to the next level. Learn how to form an objective, review your research by creating a timeline analysis, construct a locality guide to direct your research, create a plan, style source citations, set up a research log to organize and track your searches, and write a report detailing your findings and ideas for future research. Work samples and templates are included.

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Written by Kenyatta Berry, host of Genealogy Roadshow. The Family Tree Toolkit is designed to help you navigate the sometimes overwhelming and sometimes treacherous waters of finding your ancestors.

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(use Promo code Archive10 and save 10% in January)
Written by professional archival conservator; Kyla Ubbink.
Sharing practical and accurate information for applying archival principles to a home-based setting, this guide has everything you need to know in 4 pages! Topics include:
- What causes artifact damage and deterioration
- Combating and mitigating the agents of deterioration
- Proper storage techniques for paper, photographs, books, textiles, and artifacts
- Proper handling techniques
- Copying and digitization
- Continual care
- Responding to pest and mould infestations
- Responding to disasters

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Organize your research with these downloadable genealogy forms, including family tree templates online record forms to preserve your ancestry.

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Written by Louise St. Denis. Find out what steps you need to take to product your family documents, photos and mementos.

Not exactly Genealogy but it’s always a good idea to get your life in order. Makes you feel more relaxed. I found this on Amazon