How many of you have boxes of photos and videotapes of your children that you wish you could organize? Or perhaps you’ve inherited albums from your parents. Maybe you even received reels of videos from your childhood, and you don’t have the technology to look at them.
Preservation of my family photos and family history is why I started the photo-organizing part of my business. I’ve always loved learning, and I love to share, and I knew I needed to do this because I knew firsthand how overwelling it could seem.

This is what I received from my father a few years ago. Boxes and boxes of albums and loose photos. Videotapes and audiotapes.
Of course, you want to organize your photos. But more importantly, you want to ensure that your photos are protected from a disaster.

I think almost everyone has a story to tell, either of their own or a friend who lost their photos to a disaster.
When I was at a genealogy conference, I met a lady that lived in Fort McMurray, Alberta, during their terrible fire in 2016. She wasn’t able to go to her home before she was evacuated. Her house was destroyed, and she lost her photos and lost her parent’s collection. I felt so terrible for her; I almost cried. She had a great attitude and told me that she had contacted her cousins and got copies of some of the photos, and with her sister’s help, she had some of her collection back.
I want you to enjoy your photos again. To accomplish that I offer services and products that digitally convert, protect, store and allows you to securely, privately and easily share your photos, videos, audios and documents. I can tailor these services and products to meet the needs of individuals, families, companies or groups.
I am a FOREVER Senior Ambassador so I can help you one-on-one with private sessions or I offer group events. Signup for a FREE 2GB account and then join me for one of my upcoming events.