Just like you, I always like to make an informed decision. I know I do because when I bought a car I went over all the details to make sure I was getting what would work best for me at the best price.
So I wanted to let you know all the facts about FOREVER Storage
- The Guarantee – FOREVER will protect your photos for your lifetime + 100 years, and it’s backed by a **Permanent Investment Fund **. That might sound boring. Still, it means that FOREVER invests the money so the money will be there for the future even if FOREVER didn’t exist. Find out about the fund HERE.
- There is No data mining and No advertising. It’s your content. So you own your content and retain all rights. You may already have a photo storage system that’s FREE. But you should wonder; “what’s in it for them”? Are they data mining my photos?
- Don’t rent your storage. Own it. Buy it, and it’s all yours. Even if you opt for a monthly plan, you still own it after one year.
- Your photos are preserved in full-resolution with no compression. FOREVER does not compress your photos and always saves them as full-resolution photo files, just like the day you took them. Whether you’re paying for your photo storage or if it’s free, you may want to look at whether that company is compressing your photos.
- The FOREVER Fund is used to ensure that the technology used is keeping your photos up-to-date in your lifetime and for 100 years after.
Now I feel better. I’ve let you know my thoughts and it’s up to you whether you decide that FOREVER Storage is right for you. If you’d like to read more or check the pricing. Go to FOREVER Storage.
Note: Remember when you sign up for a NEW account Here you’ll get a 2GB account for FREE to try out and you’ll receive $15 (for the remainder of 2020 receive $20) to spend in the next 60 days. That means you can test drive your account and then use the $15 $20 to buy the plan that works for your collection. Always go to DEALS to see the latest offer. As your Ambassador I’m always ready to help you with your collection through a screen share or telephone call.