As I continued with my scanning project, I’d come across items that I couldn’t scan. You know the things I’m talking about; VHS tapes, cassette tapes, and some photo negatives.
One of those items I knew was a VHS tape of when my son was at the skating rink where the Edmonton Oiler’s skated back in the days when they were at Rexall Arena.
There was a cassette tape of my dad talking and telling a story and the negatives look like they were from a trip we’d made with my two sons and we’d passed through Vegas many years ago. No, they didn’t go gambling they went on a rafting trip with their grandfather by the Hoover Dam.
These are all items that I can’t handle with my Flip-Pal®(sorry, the Flip-Pal is no longer available). But as a FOREVER Ambassador, I have a solution, I can buy a FOREVER Box.

The boxes come in three sizes; small, medium, and large. Each box includes a value of scanning, and you purchase three-way shipping at checkout. (Fill the box because even if you go over the paid amount FOREVER will give you a call and let you know.)
What’s three-way shipping? The box is shipped to you; and you fill it up with your videos, cassettes, negatives, and photos. Then the box is shipped to FOREVER Scanning, and once it’s converted they will load it in your FREE account or paid account at FOREVER, and they will also load it on a USB stick. Then all your items are returned to you. The shipping is via Fed Ex.
I know what your thinking. Is it safe to ship these precious items? Well, I worked in the oil and gas industry for 24 years, as a Purchasing Manager and I only recall one package ever being lost, and we shipped things every day all around the world. Sometimes several times a day (oh and by the way that one thing was found awhile later).
Yes, there are other places that you can have your conversion done, but when you look at the prices and you considering the shipping it’s not that different, and for me, I like that it’s safely put in my FOREVER Storage account for my family and me to enjoy for years to come.
To find out more for yourself. Just go to Scanning after you reach my FOREVER page. Click HERE. If you haven’t signed up for a FREE 2GB account, then do that because you’ll receive a $15 (for the remainder of 2020 you’ll now receive $20) coupon to use on your storage purchase. When you sign up with me as your Ambassador, then I’ll be there to help you with your photo collection. Be sure to check DEALS because the conversion boxes are often on sale.
#FOREVER #Memories #Gettingmypoopinagroup #GenealogyFOREVER #PhotosFOREVER