Organizing Your Photos, Videos and Genealogy at FOREVER

Below is the Big Rock Plan (for photos, videos, etc) and Saving My Genealogy FOREVER (for genealogy).

To get started at FOREVER and get organized will cost you a bit of $$$, but the advantage to FOREVER is that you are buying your storage; you’re not renting it like you do at other sites. Your account is private, and there is no data mining. If you sign up using my links, your account will be associated with me, and I can help you with your project.

Big Rock System for Organization Success

You will be able to download The Big Rock Plan below. To do the Big Rock Plan, you’ll need to purchase FOREVER Storage and FOREVER facial recognition. Watch the DEALS page because sometimes they are bundled for a 5% discount. You can buy facial recognition for one year and then cancel and do it manually after that, and you won’t lose the initial organization. of course, you can continue the yearly plan if you want.

The idea is to organize your Big Rocks first, and then you can get more granular.

Saving Your Genealogy FOREVER

The other system I have is called “Saving My Genealogy FOREVER.” I’ve used this system for several years, and it works well. As I discover new things, I can easily add them to my albums. I’m also able to share them with family. For example, I recently shared my great-grandfather’s military records with my nephew, who has a keen interest in WWI and he loves what he’s learning. In fact, he’s told me a few things I didn’t know. Who knows, he may become the next family historian.

By setting up albums for each surname couple in your genealogy, you can create groups for those couples and add your cousins to the groups that pertain to their ancestry.

You can watch one of my earlier videos about my process on my YouTube Channel HERE.

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