Work With The Hound

The Hound as a pup

If you haven’t read the “Who is the Hound” page, let me introduce myself; I’m Ellen Thompson-Jennings, and I am the self-proclaimed Family History Hound and owner of Shop the Hound

I’ve been doing genealogy for 20+ years and genetic genealogy since 2010.


I’m a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, a member of the Alberta Genealogical Society, and the co-chair of the Edmonton Branch DNA Special Interest Group. I’m proud to say I was the winner of the Margaret Kay Memorial Scholarship in 2010.

I am a Certified Photo Organizer, and through the organization of my own photo collection, I know how important it is to preserve your photos and digital legacy.

As a FOREVER Senior Ambassador, I believe in the products and the security that FOREVER offers as a complete memory solution. To learn more, go to Photo and Document Organizing.

I’m located in Alberta, Canada, so I can provide you with records, information, and pictures from this region and, in some cases, from across Canada.  To see a complete list of all my services, go to the Service Page.

You can see some of the reviews from my customers HERE.

You can always book a FREE consultation to discuss your project, whether it’s genealogy, DNA, or organizing your photo and digital collection. Contact me, and we can arrange a mutual time


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