It’s been awhile since my last post; seems like there is always a lot going on in our household. My husband and I are in training to be “snowbirds” so we’ve gone a few times to visit our motor-home which we have left in a place called Gold Canyon Resort in Gold Canyon, Arizona. I also went on my DNA cruise which was fantastic. It was arranged by Heritage Books and had three of the leading experts in genetic genealogy; CeCe Moore, Angie Bush and Blaine Battinger. It was a great opportunity to learn from them and also to be able to pick their brains about my personal DNA kits that I’ve been using to solve the Beaton/Batten Mystery. (I’m getting closer… more to come later).
I’m Canadian but I’m very much aware that our American friends had their Thanksgiving yesterday and that it is followed by one of the biggest shopping days; Black Friday. From what I understand it can be a frenzy if you venture out to the stores but there are many bargains to be found. But before you take that deep dive into the mall I wanted to tell you that there are sales that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home and they are in regard to my favourite subject; DNA. For those of you Canadians reading this don’t worry there is something for you as well.
Ancestry (U.S) is selling their DNA kits for a mere $69.00 U.S. and that’s an incredible price and probably the lowest I’ve ever seen it. You can take advantage of this pricing by clicking the ad below (between November 26 9pm PST to November 30 9pm PST). For the best value I would suggest getting your DNA done thru Ancestry first and then transferring your raw data over to Family Tree DNA and that will give you more bang for your buck and of course you will then be able to upload that same raw data to Gedmatch.
AncestryDNA is great for attaching your family tree to your results; after all family trees are what they are all about.
If your interested in the more scientific approach of DNA then Family Tree DNA has a sale as well. In fact it’s been going on for much of this week. If you transfer your data from Ancestry you can achieve the same result but if you just want to use FTDNA rather than Ancestry then click the ad below and it will take you to their sale which is $10.00 off their usual price of $99.00 U.S. Canadians can purchase from this same website.
We Canadians haven’t been forgotten by Ancestry. They are selling their AncestryDNA kits through their Canadian site for a 30% discount, making the price $119.00 Canadian. Again this is the lowest I’ve seen the kits going for, so I’ll be purchasing a few kits for family members that I’d like to test. So the Canadian ad is shown below.
The ad do look the same but trust me they will take you to different sites and if you have a Canadian address you won’t be able to purchase from the U.S. site.
So there you have it.. my personal recommendations as to how you should spend your Black Friday dollars. Relax, stay at home and enjoy some quiet time away from the stores and soon you will have your kit or kits and have an opportunity to find out what nationality you are and find a few cousins you didn’t know you had. If you have any questions please be sure to post them on one of my Facebook pages (Hound on the Hunt or Family History Hound) or comment on this blog.
Happy hunting.