Have You Transferred Your FTDNA Tree to MyHeritage?

The other day, I received an email from Family Tree DNA telling me that they would no longer support the tree they had on their site but that I could … Continue Reading →

Too Many Tabs Tuesday

The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol.) This post and … Continue Reading →

The Beaton/Batten Mystery – What’s New?

If you’re on Facebook, then you know that each day you get memories of posts you’ve done in years gone by. Some from last year and others from as far … Continue Reading →

I Finally Tested My mtDNA

The other day I got an email that I’ve been waiting for. In April this year, I’d purchased an upgrade to my Family Tree DNA to add a mtFull Sequence. … Continue Reading →

DNA (My mtDNA to be exact)

The other day I received a kit from Family Tree DNA for the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test that I’d purchased, and this reminded me that I have really posted about DNA lately.

On April 22nd, I ordered an mtDNA test from Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) for myself. It was the one DNA test I hadn’t done on my mom’s DNA, primarily because I didn’t think it would help me much with my genealogy and because I knew that I could do the test on my own DNA any time I’d like. Continue Reading →

Spring Cleaning Your Genealogy & Computer

This past Saturday, was the first day of spring, and it reminded me of when I was a kid and the family had a cabin at Lac La Nonne. My … Continue Reading →

Jumping from Genealogy Tree To Genealogy Tree

DNA is a useful tool, but sometimes it can come with a lot of work. Find out how I use others trees to better understand my own tree and find my DNA Quadfecta. Continue Reading →

Who Was Harold Alfred Thompson?

First and foremost, Harold was my grandfather. He was my father’s father, to be exact. But as with many of my ancestors (and I’m sure many of yours), his story has a “but” in it. Continue Reading →

DNA Angel Project – August Edition – Pick Your Prize ???

It’s time for another DNA Angel Project. Win your choice of DNA kit. Continue Reading →

Your Cousins Have A Right To Know

As always the DNA world is a fast-paced world and this week was no exception. If you read this article from BuzzFeed News you’ll find out the back story of … Continue Reading →