Transferring Your DNA – Let’s Find More Cousins

(This is a long post with lots of pictures. This explains how to transfer an AncestryDNA file to Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) but part way through this post there will … Continue Reading →

DNA and Crime Fighting

It’s been a week since Buzzfeed broke the story that Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) has been working with the FBI. As you can imagine this has caused quite the uproar … Continue Reading →

News From i4GG

This past weekend I spent in San Diego. You might think what a great way to get away from the snow that I live in. But much of my time … Continue Reading →

Genetic Affairs – Something New To Play With

Just like children, genetic genealogists are always on the lookout for a new toy (tool) to play with. I’m not saying that in a bad way. I count myself in the … Continue Reading →

Did Your Ethnicity Change at AncestryDNA? Mine Did!

A couple of weeks ago you may have noticed that there was a change in your AncestryDNA ethnicity. Or maybe you haven’t checked lately and it’s sitting there waiting for … Continue Reading →

Getting A Little Help From My Family’s DNA Kits

On Sunday I took a few minutes to catch up on the blog written by Living DNA.  Their blog dated; August 30th consisted of some product updates which I found … Continue Reading →

I Did Something to my 23andMe Account That I May Regret

You know me, I’m a bit of a DNA nut. I’ve tested with every DNA company that you can test with. It all started with Family Tree DNA (they were … Continue Reading →

DNA Sales (Ancestry & Family Tree DNA)

Don’t miss out on the newest DNA sale from AncestryDNA this offer is only for the US Save 40% Offer ends August 20th, 2018 at 11:59 PM PST The recipe … Continue Reading →

Be A #DNA Ambassador

This week I’m spending time in Salt Lake City as an Ambassador for #RootsTech. But I’m more than a RootsTech ambassador I’m a #DNA Ambassador. What is a DNA Ambassador … Continue Reading →

@MyHeritage Has Done It Again

MyHeritage has made some additions to the DNA side of their business that has the genealogy community talking. A couple of weeks ago I told you about how they’d improved their matching … Continue Reading →