There’s A New DNA Tool On The Web

(Link to AncestryDNA Canada) (Link to AncestryDNA USA)

I belong to a Facebook group called; Genetic Genealogy Tips & Tricks with over 46,000 members and there are always interesting new posts. One that was posted by the creator of the group and a friend of mine; Blaine Bettinger has become one of my new favorite tools.

DNA Match Labeling

Blaine explained that he had hired a programmer to create a Chrome extension that helps you organize your AncestryDNA matches. This past weekend I had the chance to work with it and I’m loving it. The extension is called; DNA Match Labeling and it is available at the Chrome Webstore.

Up until this point I’ve been entering in the notes any information I’ve discovered, including which family line my DNA match is connected with if I know. Here’s how I’m using this new tool. You can manage 8 colors and you don’t have to use it for surnames you can use it for anything you’d like to track. In fact after this screen shot was taken I added dot for the Beaton/Batten Mystery.

AncestryDNA Helper

So now as you discover how you connect with your match you can easily identify it visually when you look at your list. Below is an example of this tool in action for my matches. You might notice there is something else going on on the right-hand side of the page. That tool is AncestryDNA Helper

AncestryDNA Helper is also available at the Chrome Webstore. What it does is if you look after more than one DNA kit and you have this same match in common with any of those kits then it gives you the little people picture. It even can go one step further by giving you a list of which kits are in common when you hover over the little people picture.

You are also able to search for a username, on not just your kit but all the kits you manage you can also search surnames and notes.

The more tools we have to help understand our DNA the better because; “I’m always looking for cousins“.

Note: This post above contains affiliate links. This means I make a percentage on sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. It’s  simply a supplement to my income so I can continue  to support The DNA Angel Project and to make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society

1 Comment

  • Sandy Zion-Anderson says:

    I love this new tool….. sad to say that I haven’t had time to use it since I installed it several months ago though. It took days to run it the first time, but if you keep updating it won’t take as long. Trying to get myself organized with other projects I’m working on so can delve into this. But it appears to be a WONDERFUL RESOURCE!!!