Be Prepared To Stay Up Tonight – Ancestry Has New Tools Part 2

So in my last blog (Part 1), I told you about Thrulines Now I’m going to tell you about the other two products that Ancestry is adding.

So first let’s talk about the new tagging tool.  It’s called MyTreeTags and you can use the tagging feature on both your Ancestor Pages (Facts) and Tree View. Here’s a look at the Ancestor Page

Below is the Tree View

Once you click “Add Tag” you get the above side panel.  Here you have several things you can do. You can create a custom tag or you can choose one of the prepared tags. In this case, I had the research tags open. But there are DNA tags such as Common DNA Ancestor, DNA match, DNA connection. Under Reference tags there are Immigrant, Military Service, Royalty/Nobility and under Relationship Tags there are adopted into the family, adopted out of the family, died young, direct ancestor, multiple spouses, never married, No children and orphan.

So that’s awesome. I’ve been tagging up a storm. But I haven’t even gotten to the good stuff.

Now lets go to the new view of your matches.

So in this new veiw, you see the amount of cM and Segments you share, you see if they have a tree, common ancestor and you can add matches into groups. There are some standard groups like the ones seen below and you can create custom groups. So in my case, I can have a group for the Beaton/Batten Mystery.

And then there are additional filters.

In the match overview when you click on the tree (even if it says they don’t have one it takes you to the match’s profile page that you use to see and when you click on the user name you go to the triangulation screen they recently added.

From what I understand everyone will get access to this new Beta if they want to try it out. After the Beta is over I’m not sure how it’s going to be handled.

I hope your as excited about these new tools as much as I am. Don’t stay up to late. 🙂

This will be a public Beta program so anyone with an AncestryDNA test will be able to opt-in. Also; Crista Cowan is streaming an overview of these products on Thursday 1:30PM MST, (What you don’t know about Ancestry).  Just go to

Update; I had the chance to interview Crista Cowan when I was at RootsTech 2019 in Salt Lake City. You can watch the video HERE.

If you’d like to purchase an Ancestry DNA kit here are the links AncestryDNA – US AncestryDNA – Canada AncestryDNA – Australia AncestryDNA – UK

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