This past weekend I attended FOREVER Live 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
As you would imagine; there were new product announcements. One of the ones that I was excited about was that FOREVER Storage now includes audio. So now you can store photos, documents, video and now audio.
Why was I so happy? Because recently I had an audiotape that I’d found in my father’s house transferred to an MP3 file. The file is a very short song (only 1 minute 17 sec) sung by my father’s parents; Harold and Gladys Thompson.

My grandparents would not have won America’s Got Talent, but that doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that now 48 years after their death, my father can listen to his parents sing any time he’d like on the FOREVER app.
Yes, my dad is going to be 85, but he’s still a bit of a techy.. and I’ll be helping him put the app on his iPhone in the next few days. Then he’ll be able to back up his photos and listen to this audio.
Have a listen and see what you think.

What I love is their harmony and my grandfather’s strong voice at the end and best of all it will be preserved for the rest of my life plus 100 years. So, my grandson, Zander will know what his great-great-grandfather sounded like. That is priceless.
If you’d like to know more about FOREVER please go to my FOREVER page and sign up for a FREE 2GB Storage account. I’d love to be your Ambassador and help you with your precious memories. You can find out more HERE.