Well, the day has finally arrived, and RootsTech Connect will start very shortly. In fact, I just checked the RootsTech site, and it’s already morphed into its new look, and it’s beautiful, and it’s easy to navigate.
As I predicted, we are over at 1/2 million people… well 501,203 when I just checked and 226 counties.
Why not login, add your photo to your profile page and start adding those sessions to your playlist.
Now that the site is live, you’ll see all the live session times in your own local time (yes… that’s so much better and not so confusing to explain). So have a look at those live Keynote and add them to your playlist. The first one I’ll be watching is Nick Vujicic Keynote: You Matter at 9:00 p.m. (my time Mtn).

As for sessions, you can search by title, speaker, or topic. So as you can imagine, I already have so much play dedicated to DNA, Genealogy, and preserving the story. But that’s the best part because I have a year to watch. You can also pick your language, so if you’re trying to learn a new language, this might be the perfect way to see what you know.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can always go to the “Guide Me” tab where you’ll get help with getting started, Family Search, DNA, and there is also help from Ancestry and MyHeritage. It’s really a guided way to navigate what you’re interested in. Once you’re familiar, you can add more things on your own or stick with your guided approach.
The final place I’m going to talk about is the Expo Hall. That’s my favorite place to go when I’m in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City. In the virtual expo hall, there is a demo theatre, so you’ll be able to see firsthand what some of the vendors have to tell you about. You’ll also so the Platinum and Bronze Sponsor as well as Society Sponsors and Exhibitors. So many of the people I call friends and I can’t wait to chat with them.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about that product or society you’ve been wondering about, and of course, you’ll see their latest promotions and chat with the vendors. Speaking of promotions, be sure to check out Genealogy & DNA Treasures because we’ll be capturing some of the great deals on that page.
Oh, and don’t forget about the “Ask Me Anything” button where you can ask anything you’d like about the event and the “Connect” button where you can connect with other people attending the conference. That’s another favorite part of RootsTech. So I’ve created a room called “Chatting with the Family History Hound,” where people who follow the Family History Hound can come together and chat about what they’ve done. I hope you’ll join me there because I’ll try and be on as much as possible.
Have a fun time and I hope I see you there.