Have You Transferred Your FTDNA Tree to MyHeritage?

The other day, I received an email from Family Tree DNA telling me that they would no longer support the tree they had on their site but that I could … Continue Reading →

RootsTech 2024 Round-Up

I can’t believe it’s been a week since RootsTech. If you missed being in Salt Lake, you can still enjoy the virtual event from the comfort of your home by … Continue Reading →

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Genealogy (Part Three)

Created using DALL·E with the prompt “make a picture of a lady genealogist looking at her family tree.” A few weeks ago, I was exploring some of the uses I’ve … Continue Reading →

Genealogy & DNA News

I was going to write another post about artificial intelligence this week, but there was too much news that I decided to postpone the AI post until next week. (If … Continue Reading →

DNA and Genealogy In February

This graphic was created using Cosmic Dream on ChatGPT using the prompt “DNA and Genealogy,” then I added my own text. February is a busy month, especially if some of … Continue Reading →

Too Many Tabs Tuesday

The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol. This post and … Continue Reading →

How To Keep Family In The Loop About Your Discoveries

A couple of weeks ago, I posted on my weekly post, “Asking For A Friend,” how people share their discoveries with family. Kathryn said she had a blog like mine … Continue Reading →

Limited time offer: Upload your DNA to MyHeritage and get FREE advanced features

I have great news of a limited-time offer from MyHeritage: if you’ve taken a DNA test with another service, you can upload your DNA data to MyHeritage and enjoy all … Continue Reading →

Too Many Tabs Tuesday

The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol. This post and … Continue Reading →

How To Keep Your Matches Organized

Last week, my blog was about whether your cousins added up and the Leeds Method. You can catch up on that blog HERE. This week, I want to talk about … Continue Reading →