Expressing Gratitude To Your Ancestors

I’m told that when we express gratitude our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, these two important neurotransmitters are responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel ‘good’. They enhance our mood immediately and make us feel happy from the inside.

So I was thinking, what if I expressed gratitude to my ancestors? What would I feel? Would that make me feel better? Happy inside? Would my ancestors hear me and tell me they are grateful for me telling their story? Would they help me with my challenges? My mysteries?

So today I started. I have decided that each day in September I will express gratitude to my ancestors. I will tell them that I’m happy about the decisions they made, the jobs they took, and the people they met throughout their lifetime. I will tell them I’m grateful that they were brave and traveled to unknown lands to make a better life.

Do you think it will make a difference? Maybe …. maybe not… but it can’t hurt, and sounds like I’ll feel “good”, and that’s not a bad way to feel. Why not join me and see how you feel in a month? I’ll be here waiting to find out.

I got the idea for this from a book I’m reading called 365 Thank Yous: The Year a Simple Act of Daily Gratitude Changed My Life by John Kralik. You can have a look at it on Amazon HERE.