I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. I’ll be searching the 1931 Canada Census to find the members of my family that I haven’t had a chance to look for this week.
It only took Ancestry nine days to get the 1931 Canada Census indexed and ready to search. This is similar to the 1950 US Census that they indexed last year. One of the challenges that Ancestry had was our census has two languages (English and French). But their HWR (Hand Writing Recognition) technology did it. In case you were wondering, the total population of Canada in 1931 was 10,376,379 people.
The searchable index will include the following searchable fields on ancestry.ca:
- Name
- Birth Year
- Residence Place
- Family member names
- Marital Status
- Gender
Ancestry has also promised that other features will be rolled out over the summer months, such as;
- Hints
- Limited Record Tour
- Limited StoryScout
Search for FREE. All you have to do is create an account. No credit card is required.
Who will you find this weekend? I’d love to hear who you find.