The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol.
This post and the many posts I hope to write will be dedicated to all the blogs and tools I’d like to keep for myself, but perhaps they would also be helpful to you. Some weeks, the list may be short, and some may be long. It’s my way of cleaning up all the tabs I open, thinking I will return, only to find myself with too many open tabs. I have thirty-five this time at today’s writing; many are genealogy tabs. Still, I won’t write about them all, as multiple tabs are open on Ancestry and MyHeritage.
- Have you looked into AI? I have only dabbled with it to create unusual art for my blog. See what you can can create. This link takes you to Open AI, where you can try DALL-E3 but also Chat GPT. Give it a try HERE.
- X-DNA by Diahan Southard – I’m giving a presentation on x-DNA. I started using x-DNA when I first got into DNA, and I saw value in it. I’ve gotten away from using it, and I’m giving a presentation, so I thought I’d have another look at my results and see what I might find.
- Here’s a little tip that I can give you about X-DNA. Most of the other DNA companies test for X-DNA; they just don’t report on it. So you can transfer your DNA to Family Tree DNA and see what you can learn about your X-DNA.
- I’m no beginner when it comes to DNA Painter, but I love Jonny Perl’s presentations, so I had to have a peek at his latest Legacy Family Tree Webinar Beginning with DNA Painter.
- I had a look at the exchange rate from Canadian to US $… yikes, $1 Canadian Dollar equals $0.73 US.
- I’m working on an unknown parentage case using DNA, and so I always build a DNA tree for my client. This is where I connect all the DNA matches to figure out who the parents are. Finding obituaries and other notices in the newspaper is invaluable, and my favorite is Newspapers.com, so I have at least five tabs open for that.
- A blog post from MyHeritage talks about the death of two of their employees. A terrible loss of two young people; my heart goes out to their family and friends.
- Finally, I have a craft open… because lord knows I need something else to fill my time. But this is a cute one for tags. Looks like it could be cute for gift packages. Have a look HERE.
Note: The post above may contain affiliate links. This means I make a small percentage of the sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. This is a supplement to my income so I can continue to support this blog and make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society.
You can always catch up on my past posts on the Too Many Tabs Tuesday Archive page
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