Who’s Your Daddy, Harold Alfred Thompson?
I blog about DNA quite regularly, but it’s usually about the mystery on my mom’s side of the family. I call that mystery the Beaton/Batten Mystery. But today, I want … Continue Reading →
Don't Bark Up The Wrong Tree
I blog about DNA quite regularly, but it’s usually about the mystery on my mom’s side of the family. I call that mystery the Beaton/Batten Mystery. But today, I want … Continue Reading →
On April 1, the 1950 U.S. Census will be released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and I know that many of you can’t wait to see what … Continue Reading →
There are a few days until RootsTech 2022, so you have time to get ready and plan the things you’d like to watch during the event March 3-5th.
The RootsTech 2022 website is live, so you can now go through the entire list of 1,500 sessions on 185 topics in over 30 languages and create your playlist so that you can go back to it when it’s “live” or whenever you’d like in the next year. Yes, the presentation will be available in the future. Continue Reading →
When someone asks me how much time I spend working on my genealogy, my usual response is, “if I’m awake, I’m doing genealogy,” and that’s really not that far from the truth. I do have to admit that when it comes to my smartphone, I have the Ancestry app, but it’s for those times when I’m at a family event, and someone asks, “when was Auntie Ronnie born?”. Continue Reading →
This past weekend I spent in San Diego. You might think what a great way to get away from the snow that I live in. But much of my time … Continue Reading →
I don’t know about you but I think I’m in love with Amazon. But not just Amazon; Amazon Kindle. I find it all to easy to search out books that … Continue Reading →