Join our Getting My Poop In A Group Facebook page

With each new year, it’s like a new page, a clean slate so to speak. So we commit to tidying up our genealogy or organizing our photos. Heck, I’m even putting weight loss into the same group because let’s face it, I spend time at my desk and guess what that means? I’m not as active as I could be and sometimes the pounds start to accumulate.
This is our main page but there are sub-pages for each of the subgroups (ie. Genealogy, Photo Organization, and Weight Lose) with files and articles that will help you with each of the subjects.
I hope you find these things helpful and I welcome your feedback. This is a work in progress. The bullet points below will take you directly to the subgroups. You will also be able to go directly to each of these subjects from our main page, just by hovering over the main Getting My Poop In A Group Tab.