Search the Freedmen’s Bureau Collection for Free At Ancestry

When it comes to genealogy, who doesn’t like the word FREE? Today Ancestry launched free access to the Freedmen’s Bureau records. If you haven’t heard about these records, then you … Continue Reading →

Getting Your Poop In A Group – Make This The Year to Organize Your Research or Photos

Every September for the past several years I’ve had a Save Your Photo event that lasts throughout the month. There will be my usual photo organization event, but this year … Continue Reading →

Ancestry’s New T&C – It’s Been a Roller Coaster Ride For A Few Days

On August 4th, I woke up to a blog like many of you did from Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist. She had taken the time to read the new Terms … Continue Reading →

I Finally Tested My mtDNA

The other day I got an email that I’ve been waiting for. In April this year, I’d purchased an upgrade to my Family Tree DNA to add a mtFull Sequence. … Continue Reading →

The Genie Journal Is Coming To Amazon

What is a Genie Journal? It’s anything you’d like it to be because it includes plenty of space to journal or to compile your genealogy research or DNA notes. But it’s so much … Continue Reading →

How Will You Celebrate Food Day Canada?

July 31st is Food Day Canada, and I’m thinking about how I might celebrate.

mom was going to have a get-together, he could have invited twenty people off the road because there was always too much food.

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Hi, My Name Is….

Have you ever wondered why you have the name you have? Did you ever ask your parents? My name is Ellen, but my mom always said that my name was going to be Holly. I never asked why my parents didn’t choose Holly, but I know that I was named after my great grandmother, Ellen Middlebrough (nee Anidow). Continue Reading →

Don’t Be Like My DNA Cousin

As you know, I love DNA and what it can do for your research, and I especially like to help others with their research. So a recent interaction with a DNA cousin caught me off guard. Here’s the story. Continue Reading →

DNA (My mtDNA to be exact)

The other day I received a kit from Family Tree DNA for the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test that I’d purchased, and this reminded me that I have really posted about DNA lately.

On April 22nd, I ordered an mtDNA test from Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) for myself. It was the one DNA test I hadn’t done on my mom’s DNA, primarily because I didn’t think it would help me much with my genealogy and because I knew that I could do the test on my own DNA any time I’d like. Continue Reading →

It’s Been A Hectic Week But It’s Worth It

Shop the Hound has always participated in the Ontario Ancestors Ontario Genealogy Conference held in June each year at various locations in Ontario. I’ve always loved our road trips across Canada to attend and meet many enthusiastic genealogists from across Canada and the U.S. Continue Reading →