Begin at the Beginning

When I started this blog I remember one of the people who followed said that they hoped to learn as we progressed and that is my hope as well. So … Continue Reading →

You’ve Got it Wrong

I’ve been doing my family history for quite a while and I was always excited to share what I’d found with other family members. As you know, if you’ve done this … Continue Reading →

Don’t Let My Tree Fool You

There are probably people who would look at my tree and say…. that’s wrong, they don’t match the people I have… and you would  probably be right and I’m not even going … Continue Reading →

Are you responsible?

This past week the news is about Ben Affleck’s asking Dr. Gates to remove from the episode of Finding your Roots,  the fact that his ancestors owned slaves.  Then the rest … Continue Reading →

Should I Have Two Trees

One of the things that became apparent when I was finally able to do my DNA on Ancestry (Up until Roots Tech 2015 I wasn’t able to get access to … Continue Reading →

My DNA Work in Progress or Finding my Tree in the Forest

I have to tell you that at times when I work on my DNA kits I feel like I’m not looking at my tree but more like  I’m in a … Continue Reading →

Kissing Cousins

The hottest DNA test on the market, at least in my opinion is the Autosomal DNA (atDNA) test. When it was introduced it was great news for women, as either … Continue Reading →

It’s a Girl

All kidding aside, what can mtDNA do for you? Well, it can help you find an unknown mother for your ancestor. Or if you’re not sure of your female origin … Continue Reading →

Who’s Your Daddy? Or it’s a Boy…..

  If you read my blog yesterday you will already know a bit about the Y-chromosome. YDNA will provide you with your direct line information as well as provide your … Continue Reading →

Is My DNA Showing?

15 years ago when I started on this journey into my family history , DNA was a relatively new thing.  But now it’s one of the hottest topics in genealogy. … Continue Reading →