April 26, is “Get Organized Day”
Getting organized is something many of us think about, sometimes every day. For some, it might not be just “thinking about it.” Sometimes, those thoughts might be more nagging than … Continue Reading →
Don't Bark Up The Wrong Tree
Getting organized is something many of us think about, sometimes every day. For some, it might not be just “thinking about it.” Sometimes, those thoughts might be more nagging than … Continue Reading →
If you’re like me you have things around your home that you might deem family heirlooms. Some may be valuable but some are just things you love and are priceless … Continue Reading →
One of Ancestry’s features, when you do a DNA test, is Communities. These communities are part of your DNA Story or Ethnicity and are included in the price of your … Continue Reading →
Depending where you live, either today or tomorrow will be a busy day if your genealogy takes you to England and Wales. That’s because on January 6, 2022 at 12:01 … Continue Reading →
Did you make a resolution for 2022? Last year I realized that I was letting the pandemic get to me both mentally and physically. So I started walking several times … Continue Reading →
The holidays are about family and food.. at least in my family it’s is. So I thought that once again, I’d share with you a few of my family favorites.
Above you’ll see Smog Bars. Many Canadian’s call these Nanaimo Bars, but in my family, we called them Smog Bars, and the fact that I live in Alberta might be the reason. Continue Reading →
So I thought of four things that I’m going to do to help me with my brick wall, and I wanted to share them with you. Even if it doesn’t help my research, I’m hoping they might help you. Continue Reading →
One of the things I’ve learned doing genealogy is that your family doesn’t have to be famous or infamous to be in the newspaper.
But what can you learn from newspapers? I can think of at least five things you might learn from them. Continue Reading →
I don’t believe I have any ghosts in my genealogy, but I do often feel like I’m being guided by the spirit of ancestors when it comes to my research. … Continue Reading →
Four years ago, in 2017, FamilySearch announced that it would no longer have microfilm distribution. I remember at the time, there was an outcry from the genealogy community. This was … Continue Reading →