Did you make a resolution for 2022?
Last year I realized that I was letting the pandemic get to me both mentally and physically. So I started walking several times a week with a good friend and then in September I started tracking my food, and since then I’ve lost over 30 pounds.
I used MyFitnessPal to track my food, and to track the steps, I used an app called Pedometer. In both cases, I used the free version, but there is a paid version. I have no affiliation with these programs in both cases, but I love them and wanted to share them with you. To lose, I followed a high protein, no-carb program, but now I am introducing carbs back with a plan to continue losing but just at a slower rate.
This has taught me that protein helps you feel satisfied, and you need to monitor your sugar and carb intake. Also, by staying active, I feel better both mentally and physically, and the weight loss has helped my joints because I’m not carrying all that weight, and I can’t tell you how happy I am when I get a “star” on my Pedometer app. Did you know the Arthritis Association says that experts estimate that for every 1 pound you weigh, your knees feel the force of 3 pounds of pressure when you take a step? So that means I have 90 lbs less pressure on my joints and feet. Wow.
But I’m not an expert; this is just what’s worked for me, and I encourage you to contact your doctor to find out what is right for you.
The other thing I’ve been doing for the past several years is organizing my photos, and last year I started organizing my genealogy. So in 2022, I commit to continue with this program.
You know I use FOREVER, and I love it, and that’s why I’m a FOREVER Ambassador. Watch my video “I’m Saving My Genealogy FOREVER.” to learn the process I use.
The video shows the first step I’m taking to organize and preserve my genealogy. Stay tuned for Step Two, which I will post on my site. You’ll find it under the I’m Saving My Genealogy FOREVER tab, which you can find on my main menu. There you’ll not only see the links to the video but the documentation for each of the steps.
Be sure to also look around at the other tabs; Getting My Poop In A Group and Organize Your Photos and Documents.
What is your 2022 plan? I’d love to hear about it.