Too Many Tabs Tuesday

The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol.)

This post and the many posts I hope to write will be dedicated to all the blogs and tools I’d like to keep for myself, but perhaps they would also be helpful to you. Some weeks the list may be short, and some may be long. It’s my way of cleaning up all the tabs I open, thinking I will return, only to find myself with too many open tabs. At today’s writing, I have forty-seven, but I won’t write about them all as some are multiple tabs open on Ancestry and MyHeritage.

  1. It’s not always about genealogy. My friend had sent a link about a new trailer she’d seen that looks pretty cool. Although you’d have to live in Denmark to purchase it. But it’s still cool.
  2. Nathan Dylan Goodwin is having a contest to mark the 10th anniversary of his first book, Hiding in the Past and he’s having a contest. Read about it HERE.
  3. Missing 4th Cousins | DNA Match List from Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard
  4. I’m having an expert look at my DNA research (fresh set of eyes). That expert is Michelle Leonard who not only is an expert at Your DNA Guide she also is a presenter at Legacy Family Tree Webinars. I’ll let you know how it goes.
  5. Because I have this upcoming meeting I’m reviewing my WATO charts at DNA Painter
  6. is a site I started using to put all (or most) of my social media together.

Note: The post above may contain affiliate links. This means I make a small percentage of the sales via these links. This does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. This is a supplement to my income so I can continue to support this blog and make donations to the Alzheimer’s’ Society.

You can always catch up on my past posts on the Too Many Tabs Tuesday Archive page or join the hunt at Hound on the Hunt (click the box below)

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