Too Many Tabs Tuesday

The tools and tabs listed here may not be new to you, but they are new to me, or I’ve forgotten them and found them again, lol.

I’m sorry I missed last week. I was on the road, so I had no tabs open.

This post and the many posts I hope to write will be dedicated to all the blogs and tools I’d like to keep for myself, but perhaps they would also be helpful to you. Some weeks, the list may be short, and some may be long. It’s my way of cleaning up all the tabs I open, thinking I will return, only to find myself with too many open tabs. I have thirty-two this time at today’s writing; many are genealogy tabs. Still, I won’t write about them all, as multiple tabs as multiple tabs are open on Ancestry and MyHeritage .

  1. I have only been dabbling in AI, but I belong to a group called Genealogy and Artificial Intelligence on Facebook, and one of the members posted this article he’d written. If you are interested in AI and its effect on your genealogy, you may want to check it out. It’s called Use ChatGPT to Identify Related People In Family Archives
  2. More AI (it’s becoming a hot topic in the “genealogy community”. WikiTree recently had its WikiTree Day, and one of the sessions was WikiTree Day: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Genealogy Panel Discussion. Grab a beverage and watch the recording on YouTube.
  3. Yesterday, Diahan Southard had an Ask the Experts with Michelle Leonard. Learn what all the two-factor verification means to you.
  4. When I first started doing DNA relationships like 1c1r were confusing. This article by Diahan Southard has the best chart (I love visual things), which makes it perfect for understanding. Check it out HERE.
  5. While searching for one of my FAN club ancestors, I came across this site: The International Bomber Command Centre. Be sure to check out the database. I learned a lot about my FAN club ancestor.

Note: The post above may contain affiliate links. This means I make a small percentage of the sales made through these links. However, this does not INCREASE the price you pay as a consumer. I supplement my income this way so I can continue to support this blog and the Alzheimer’s Society.

You can always catch up on my past posts on the Too Many Tabs Tuesday Archive page

Don’t miss a thing and join the hunt at Hound on the Hunt (click the box below)

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