WikiTree Challenge #8

You might recall that I participated in the WikiTree Challenge #13 in March 2021. I’ll never forget that week. The WikiTree volunteers made so many discoveries, and my tree was much fuller with their help. You can read my follow-up blog HERE and if you want to watch the reveal you’ll find it HERE.

So what is the 6 Degree Challenge? This challenge goes hand in hand with an app that’s available on WikiTree called Six Degrees of connections! This app is the creation of Greg Clarke and it displays all your Connections, up to 7 degrees, in a ring or family tree format.

If I go to my own Wikitree profile page, it says that I currently have 579 connections, and this is what my chart looks like. My friend Randy Seaver calls it a meatball chart. I’ve anonymized mine, but it looks pretty cool. This is what it looks like right now. I can’t even imagine what it might look like after.

The kickoff is Jun 13 Noon EDT/4pm UTC Kickoff –

I did put a note on the Challenge page as I wanted to let those that are participating that I have my two mysteries in the family. Like many of you, I have more, but I’m always concerned that when people look at the records, they may think that some of my family has been missed. So I mentioned my paternal grandfather being illigitimate and my use of DNA for that search and about my mother’s grandfather; William (Willie) Beaton being adopted (the Beaton Batten Mystery). I don’t expect people to help me figure out those mysteries, but who knows, someone may see something that I’ve missed. The people at WikiTree are super sleuths.

WikiTree is a genealogy website that allows users to research and to contribute to their own family trees while building and collaborating on a singular worldwide family tree within the same system. It’s one of my favorite places to look to when I’m researching someone.

I hope you’ll tune in at the kickoff and later at the reveal on the 27th of June at 8pm EDT  

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