Cooking Through Generations: The Blue Ribbon Recipe Books That Shaped My Family’s Meals

Cooking Through Generations: The Blue Ribbon Recipe Books that Shaped My Family's Meals

I know that someday, far into the future, my sons just might call me a hoarder when they are dismantling my home. I think the reason I like to work with my family’s old things is that it brings me joy and brings back memories.

One of the things is actually two things, and that is a Blue Ribbon Cookbook, but I have two copies. I have the 19th edition and the 23rd edition. I have the two editions because one is my grandmother’s, and one is my mother’s. Both are in disrepair, and this just goes to show how much use these books were put through. The bindings are cracked. Pages are loose. It is a well-worn book—obviously well-used.

When I look inside my mother’s book, I see coupons inside.  The coupons were for a special offer where you could get another Blue Ribbon Cookbook for the small price of $0.25. My mom’s coupons are intact, but I noticed that all of the coupons are gone from my grandmother’s book. So does this mean that that’s how my mother got her copy of the cookbook, maybe? And maybe my grandmother gave the other coupons to her daughters or sisters. I’ll have to ask my cousins if they have a copy of the Blue Ribbon Cookbook and what edition they have.

The back of the book has lined pages where you can add your own recipes. My grandmother’s recipe book has a kidney remedy, a sweet and sour recipe for spare ribs, and a frying pan cookie recipe.

The back of my mother’s recipe book has instructions for what appears to be a cross-rib roast recipe. There is also a recipe for decorating icing as well as a recipe for a Colic concoction for Craig (my brother), who appeared to have colic, and last but not least, an almond chicken recipe. I sent my brother Craig a photo of the colic remedy recipe and told him, “Apparently, you’ve always been a troublesome child.” LOL

I’ll be sure to scan these and add them to my FOREVER album containing all the family’s handwritten recipes. (If you want to learn more about that, you can read it in my blog HERE or go to YouTube because I made a video.)

As I flip through my mom’s recipe book, I find other recipes tucked inside such as Mexicali meat pie and little scraps of paper with recipes that don’t have a title but have lots of ingredients and some scant instructions.

I also found a copy of my dad’s bread maker recipe. My dad used to make bread every day with that bread maker. It was so good. I don’t know how my parents ate that much bread in a day, but I read the recipe, and it brings back those memories, and I think, “I should buy a bread maker.”

After looking at these books, I had to learn more about this book and the company that created it, so I asked ChatGPT to tell me about it. Here’s what it told me.

History of Blue Ribbon Manufacturing Company (Canada)


  • The Blue Ribbon Manufacturing Company was founded in Canada in the early 20th century. It became well-known for its high-quality baking products, including flour, baking powder, and various other ingredients that were staples in Canadian kitchens.

Blue Ribbon Brand:

  • The Blue Ribbon brand became synonymous with quality in Canadian households. The company’s products were marketed as premium and reliable, contributing to their popularity among home cooks nationwide.

Recipe Books:

  • Like the American counterpart (Washburn-Crosby Company), the Canadian Blue Ribbon company published recipe books to help promote their products. These books, often titled “Blue Ribbon Cook Book” or “Blue Ribbon Recipe Book,” became cherished items in many Canadian homes.
  • The recipes featured in these books were designed to be practical and reliable, using the Blue Ribbon products to ensure consistent results. These books included a wide array of recipes, from everyday meals to special treats, reflecting the culinary traditions of the time.

Cultural Impact:

  • Canada’s Blue Ribbon recipe books became cultural icons like their American counterparts. They were passed down through generations, and many families considered them essential to their culinary heritage.
  • The brand’s commitment to quality and the practical value of the recipe books helped establish a strong connection with Canadian consumers, making the Blue Ribbon brand a trusted name in Canadian kitchens.


  • Over time, the Blue Ribbon Manufacturing Company became integral to Canada’s culinary history. The recipe books, in particular, hold a special place in the hearts of many Canadians, as they often represent a direct link to their family’s cooking traditions and heritage.

The last line is exactly right; the cookbooks are a direct link to cooking and food, which was an important part of my family. I know we all have to eat, but for my family, family gatherings were about the people and the food, and that’s why I have so many recipes that my mom has copied, such as Donna’s Lasagna or Mom Pearson’s Cheesecake and many other peoples.

Until my sons downsize me, I’ll be keeping these books because each one is like an archive of the things that were important to my mom and Nanny (grandma) at the time, at least as far as cooking and maybe a little bit about homegrown health remedies. 

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