The final countdown has started and we are just a few days away from RootsTech Connect.
The RootsTech Connect website will be divided into four areas. The Main Stage where all the Keynote speakers will be located. Expo Hall, where you’ll be able to see what the 92 vendors have to offer. Sessions and Guide Me, where you’ll find all the sessions, and you’ll be able to add them to your list to view whenever you want and Guide Me is if you’d like a little help deciding where and what you should see. Connect is for doing just that… Connecting with attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and maybe even a cousin.
Where will all this take place? At the RootsTech Connect website. But if you go there before it transforms, it will look like the RootsTech site.. the website will go live sometime the morning of the 24th MST (at the latest). You can read my blog, RootsTech Connect Is Going To Be Incredible, for more information.
There will be special offers from vendors… in fact, MyHeritage has already offered FREE upload to their DNA site so that you can access all their tools.
For that offer and all the other offers I find over the coming week, you’ll want to keep checking in at Genealogy & DNA Treasures. PS… I’m having a contest that ends just before RootsTech Connect that you can enter HERE.