Fresh Start In 2023

The New Year is always a time to reflect on the past year and have a fresh start for the coming year.

One of the things I did right last year was I either scanned my genealogy myself or had it scanned at FOREVER. I don’t want to say I did something wrong, but I could have spent more time organizing it once it was digitized. But life happens, so I will not beat myself up about it.

So in 2023, I’m committing to getting it organized. That’s why I will be hosting a Family History Hound – FOREVER Business Hour for the next three months, and you are invited to join me.

Starting this Friday, January 6th at 10:30 and then every two weeks, I’ll be hosting 1 hour where you can come and work on your FOREVER project, whatever that project might be.

It can be organizing your photos, working on The Story of You, organizing your Genealogy FOREVER, or just joining to ask a question about FOREVER. At this time, I’m not going to have any formal presentations; it will just be a time to set aside to get things done because sometimes you just need an allotted time to get the job done.

You will need to register at this link to attend the meeting on January 6th. I encourage you to add it to your calendar so you don’t miss out.

You will need to sign up for each session, and you can find the sign-up below.

You’ll notice more than two weeks between February 17th and March 10th, but that’s because I’ll be attending RootsTech, and so might you.

After these five sessions, we’ll see if everyone is still interested in attending and finding a benefit. If so, I think we’ll do this until the end of May and take the summer months off at the very least.

For those of you who have signed up for my email, you saw last week that I promised to share my sheet on the first step for “Saving Your Genealogy FOREVER“. You can download this item at my store; Shop the Hound. It’s completely free.

Make 2023 the year you start fresh and make memory keeping a priority in the new year.


  • Judy Roberts says:

    I need this so much.Today spent time sorting etc a huge pile of “genealogy papers”! I am 80 years old, recent cancer survivor and recent widow. Also recent back surgery! Now have the quiet time to devote to this