Meet Sarah, she’s a Genealogist.

Sarah might not be a real person, but I know from the people I meet who are genealogists and friends, and friends that are clients, that these feelings are real. (Watch Sarah’s video HERE)

Doing genealogy is fun (I’ve been doing it for most of my life), but you accumulate a lot of material. So what do you do with it all? It’s not just all your hard work. It can also represent a lot of money you’ve spent over those years. Purchasing books, certificates, paying for research, DNA kits (wow, don’t ask me how much I’ve spent on that), and much more.

I believe that FOREVER can be the complete solution. I believe it so much that I have everything I have in the way of photos, video, audio recordings, and genealogy stored at FOREVER.

Did I do it overnight.. no I did what I could a little bit at a time. I scanned photos myself and uploaded them to my account, and I also purchased FOREVER Boxes over time. I bought FOREVER Storage, 10 GB at a time, and I’ve purchased 50 GB of storage using the 24-month installments. (pay once or over 24 months, but it’s all yours after no additional costs unless you decide you want more storage.)

But at the end of it all, it’s all there. My things, my parent’s things, and even some of my grandparent’s things and all my genealogy. Is it all organized? A lot of it is, and I’m working on the rest.

(photo above is from Town & Country Today)

I can tell you that my children, brothers, and other family members also have access to these things. Still, the greatest gift I gave to myself by doing this is that a few weeks ago when there was a fire only a few miles away from my home, and I was told that I’d have 15 minutes to prepare to leave. Those first few minutes of panic, wondering what I would do with all my genealogy and photos, were replaced with the relief that I didn’t need to worry about them. I could just get myself, my dog Cali and her blanket, my computer bag, one tiny box of vintage photos (I had them scanned, but these were my favorites), a plate, and a bowl, and I was ready and packed, prepared to go in 5 minutes. All because I had my entire personal archive and genealogy on FOREVER.

I know these are an odd assortment of things, except for Cali… but as I’ve mentioned, the photos were my grandmother’s, and the bowl and plate were favorites of my mom’s and very likely were favorites of my grandmother’s. There’s an example of a question I wish I’d asked my mom.

This might sound like a commercial, but it’s not. Do I work for FOREVER? I do, but I do so because I believe in the products and services they provide and the peace of mind they give me.

You can give yourself that peace of mind, and I can help you. Will it be done overnight? No, but it won’t be done at all if you don’t take that first step. Take that first step and sign up, and I’ll contact you to discuss your goals.

(Cali and her friend)

If you’d like to look at my demo album, you can find it HERE. In it, you’ll find information about FOREVER, how to package a FOREVER Box, what can be converted, and even some example products.

I also have a Facebook group called “Getting My Poop In A Group,” where we talked about organizing photos, and in September, we have a Preserve Your Photo Month. If you’d like to join, you can sign up HERE. Be sure to answer the questions; otherwise, you won’t be admitted 🙂

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