I’ve written about Scapple before. In fact, you might want to check one of my previous posts, Scapple: A Tool I’m Using For DNA Matches
Today, I uploaded a quick video to my YouTube channel showing you how I use Scapple. Basically, I use it the way it downloads, but there are options that you can change to improve your productivity.
I just find it a simple way to organize my thoughts and notes on one page that I can refer to or send to a client. It’s one of my go-to tools when I’m working on a DNA case.
The best part is that Scapple has a 30-day free trial. This is 30 days of use, not 30 consecutive days. So, if it takes you 6 months or 2 years to use it 30 times, you won’t have to pay until after that.
I watched the video and got nothing. Just how do you use it? She explained the machanics, but not how to apply the program to genealogical notes for people. Where do these notes come from and what do they referr too?
You create the notes that you want. You could write a huge comment on something that you wanted to keep track of. It’s a place to capture your findings. I was just showing you how you can put a note on a page and then connect them.
I guess I should have shown an example of a how I use it for someone else’s tree. I can make multiple notes about the things I discover and then this can be part of my research notes . You can also paste URL’s into the note so it could link to another website.
It a way of keeping track of your thoughts and the things you find.