RootsTech 2023 & You Could Win An In-Person Pass

I’ve been attending RootsTech since 2011, when it first began. I attended when there were only 3,000 attendees, and the event has evolved and grown. I attended in London, England, … Continue Reading →

Saving Your Genealogy FOREVER – Step One and Two (Step Three Coming Soon)

Last week my mailing list was given first access to Part One of Saving Your Genealogy FOREVER. I have to say it was a huge success because there were so … Continue Reading →

Fresh Start In 2023

The New Year is always a time to reflect on the past year and have a fresh start for the coming year. One of the things I did right last … Continue Reading →

Cali’s DNA Test

If you follow my YouTube Channel, you know I tested Cali, my little Morkie’s DNA. But if you haven’t looked, you’ll find three videos about Cali’s DNA test including the … Continue Reading →

Christmas Past

At my age, Christmas is often when you remember past Christmases. This year I was reminded that after a family get-together on December 23, 2006, I sat down and worked … Continue Reading →

Five Last-Minute Gifts You Can Buy The Genealogist In Your Family

As we get closer to Christmas, there is a mad rush to figure out what to buy that hard-to-buy person in your family. But if your hard-to-buy person is a genealogist, I’ve got your back. Continue Reading →

Your Paternal and Maternal Matches with Ancestry Sideview­™

If you haven’t checked your AncestryDNA matches since September 6th, you might be missing out on a new view. I was patiently waiting (well, maybe not so patiently) for this … Continue Reading →

My Digital Preservation Story

My digitization story is like many of yours might be. My parents left me boxes and boxes of their albums and videos, and I felt a bit overwhelmed with the … Continue Reading →

New DNA Tool – DNA Painter Coverage Estimator

Could this new tool help me solve a mystery? Whenever there are new tools for your DNA, it’s a good day. So October 17th was a good day. That’s the … Continue Reading →

Dealing With Downsizing and Grief

This week I’ve been cleaning and organizing. But this time is different than other times because it’s bothering me more. Why is that? Why are you able to jump into … Continue Reading →