The New Look of Trees on FTDNA

A new feature at Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) is the ability to assign other testers to your tree. I had a great time doing this with my tree and it was … Continue Reading →


Congratulations go out to Sunny Lee Williams, the winner of our most recent contest! Sunny will receive seven DNA Guides written by Diahan Southard of Your DNA Guide.   The … Continue Reading →

DNA Sales in Time for Father’s Day

I’m sure you all know I’m a fan of  DNA and what it can tell you about your ethnicity and also helping you find your cousins. Over the weekend Shop the … Continue Reading →

Addicted to DNA Results

Hi my name is Family History Hound and I’m addicted to DNA results. I know this may sound harsh but I have to be realistic with myself. Everyday I get … Continue Reading →

DNA Cousins Wanted

I’ve been working on DNA for a while and like many others, I’m getting frustrated trying to find the connections to my family.  Especially for the brickwalls that I’m trying to break down … Continue Reading →

What Better Time Than Thanksgiving and Black Friday

                                                            … Continue Reading →

A DNA Surprise

Harold Alfred Thompson and Lily Myrtle Shannon As I prepared for my DNA Cruise I had a pleasant surprise while searching my matches on Family Tree DNA (FTDNA). I found … Continue Reading →

Encourage Those Future Genealogist

A few weeks ago I was telling my niece about the things I’ve learned with DNA matching. Over the years I often speak  (ok, not just a little bit, but a … Continue Reading →

DNA Test The Elders in Your Family

    My children know, or at least they should know, that they won’t be getting some large inheritance because I’m spending all my money on DNA testing.  Well that … Continue Reading →

While The Cat’s Away This Hound Will Play

A  For the next couple of days;  my husband has gone on a fishing trip with my brother’s and my father. So while they are hoping to catch fish I’m … Continue Reading →