Calling All Genies (Genealogist I Mean)
Last week I told you that I would ask for some help. The help I need is some sleuthing to see if we can find a couple who has disappeared … Continue Reading →
Don't Bark Up The Wrong Tree
Last week I told you that I would ask for some help. The help I need is some sleuthing to see if we can find a couple who has disappeared … Continue Reading →
One of Ancestry’s features, when you do a DNA test, is Communities. These communities are part of your DNA Story or Ethnicity and are included in the price of your … Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago, AncestryDNA introduced its new Sideview Technology™ for your DNA ethnicity results, and I wrote a blog telling you a bit about how it worked. (You can … Continue Reading →
I blog about DNA quite regularly, but it’s usually about the mystery on my mom’s side of the family. I call that mystery the Beaton/Batten Mystery. But today, I want … Continue Reading →
I just received some mugs that I created and printed at FOREVER. I purchased them for myself, my sons, and several friends. They turned out so beautifully I wanted to … Continue Reading →
On April 1st, the 1950 US Census was released. That started the clock for each of the big-name genealogy companies, Ancestry and MyHeritage, to get working on giving us the … Continue Reading →
This morning Ancestry launched it’s newest feature for DNA, and I was super excited to be given access before launch. It’s called Ethnicity Inheritance using SideView technology. Continue Reading →
As a Canadian, the most recent census that I can find my family in is the Prairie Provinces Census in 1926. This census was conducted only in the western provinces, … Continue Reading →
On April 1, the 1950 U.S. Census will be released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), and I know that many of you can’t wait to see what … Continue Reading →
With over 1500 sessions at the 2022 RootsTech site, it’s hard to choose which ones I like the most. But recently, I was asked about my top five sessions that … Continue Reading →