The Ancestors

When your on the back of a Harley you may just have too much time to think. The Ancestors The ancestors call me, they whisper in my ear Tell my … Continue Reading →

No Vacation is Complete

  This week my husband and I are doing a Harley trip. We are going to Victoria, British Columbia to attend a HOG Rally.  HOG stands for Harley Owner’s Group. … Continue Reading →

Grave Yard Fitness

Yesterday I told you how important it is to stay fit so you are able to go for walks through your ancestors last resting place. Remember this summer when your … Continue Reading →

Genealogy Fitness

Last week I spent a lot of time hunting through the genealogy files while the Mister was away fishing with the guys.  We do spend a lot of  time sitting at … Continue Reading →

DNA Gedcom

By now you have come to realize I’m a DNA junky and I may have to start a group. Oh wait a minute, I did… well a friend of mine … Continue Reading →


  As I told you yesterday; this hound is on the hunt for DNA.  So a few years back, after getting my results from Family Tree DNA  I decided to put … Continue Reading →

While The Cat’s Away This Hound Will Play

A  For the next couple of days;  my husband has gone on a fishing trip with my brother’s and my father. So while they are hoping to catch fish I’m … Continue Reading →

Open Up the Treasure Chest

Today when I was speaking to another genealogist  about a road block I had, I told her that for some reason I have this feeling that I had the answer. Somewhere … Continue Reading →

Sleepless Nights

How many times have you stayed up late at night doing your family history? After all your on a hot lead, aren’t you?….  It’s only 100 or 200 years old. There are … Continue Reading →

Queries – Inquiring Minds Want to Know

  Queries can be a useful tool for doing family history. They can be posted on genealogy society webpages or to genealogy boards. When creating your query be sure to … Continue Reading →