DNA Cruising

If you’ve been following along you know that I have more than just a passing interest in DNA for genealogy. So when I heard that Heritage Books was going to … Continue Reading →

Four DNA Kits

This past week I received the four DNA kits that I’d  ordered from Ancestry the last time they had a sale. I had decided who I was testing when I … Continue Reading →

A Tongue In Cheek Open Letter To My DNA Cousin (Raw Data)

Dear DNA Cousin; First of all I want to tell you how happy I was when we connected. Over the years our families have drifted apart, but I understand, we all … Continue Reading →

Encourage Those Future Genealogist

A few weeks ago I was telling my niece about the things I’ve learned with DNA matching. Over the years I often speak  (ok, not just a little bit, but a … Continue Reading →

In Search of Willie Beaton

Today I  continue with what I call the “Beaton/Batten” Mystery. So as I told you; when I was in Victoria, British Columbia I had a chance to go to several … Continue Reading →


  As I told you yesterday; this hound is on the hunt for DNA.  So a few years back, after getting my results from Family Tree DNA  I decided to put … Continue Reading →

While The Cat’s Away This Hound Will Play

A  For the next couple of days;  my husband has gone on a fishing trip with my brother’s and my father. So while they are hoping to catch fish I’m … Continue Reading →

The X Chromosome

When you get the results from your autosomal DNA kit one of  things you learn about is the X chromosome.  X chromosome is one of the 23 chromosomes you obtain … Continue Reading →

The Wait Is Over – More to Do

My consultation was a great experience and was done very professionally.  She sends you a link to have a go-to meeting and the entire session is recorded and you receive a … Continue Reading →

Patiently Waiting

As I write this I am patiently waiting for my DNA consultation. Well I may be exaggerating a bit …. I never really wait patiently for anything.  I met Diahan … Continue Reading →