What I Learned From The Fort McMurray Fire

Backing up my computer is crucial, because it represents thousands of hours of my time and life.  Time that I’ve spent doing genealogy and it’s also hundreds of photos, of my own, … Continue Reading →

If My Ancestor Had An Instagram Account

Have you every wondered what it would have been like if your ancestor had an Instagram account? What would they say? Well one night last week I got to thinking what my Nana Oliver’s … Continue Reading →

The DNA Angel Project™ – August Edition

The DNA Angel™ from Shop the Hound has stopping by to announce that the next draw for The DNA Angel Project™,  will begin on August 11th, 2016 This months draw will be for; The Family … Continue Reading →

Family Finder Kit From FTDNA

If you’ve been thinking about doing your DNA then you won’t want to miss this offer. Family Tree DNA is having a sale on their Family Finder Kit and they … Continue Reading →

Have You Checked Out SHOTBOX?

  When I was at Roots Tech earlier this year I purchased a SHOTBOX and it’s turned out to be a very useful product, even more useful than I originally anticipated. … Continue Reading →

Meet You in Banff With A DNA Kit

My dad once told me; “I like it better when you find people who are alive”. This was in reference to all the cemeteries I’ve walked and the many ancestors … Continue Reading →


I want to welcome the new subscribers to “Hound on the Hunt”. The past week was so exciting as we launched our new initiative; “The DNA Angel Project”. I’m a … Continue Reading →

The Genealogy Happy Dance

The other day one of the bloggers was speaking about Genealogy Happy Dances and I don’t know about you, but it seems like ages since I’ve done my last “genealogy happy dance”. … Continue Reading →

DNA Sales in Time for Father’s Day

I’m sure you all know I’m a fan of  DNA and what it can tell you about your ethnicity and also helping you find your cousins. Over the weekend Shop the … Continue Reading →

Genealogy Road Trip

I’m not the first person who’s gone on a genealogy road trip. You only have to Google those words and you will find 73,000 links to information about that subject. But … Continue Reading →