DNA Cousins Wanted

I’ve been working on DNA for a while and like many others, I’m getting frustrated trying to find the connections to my family.  Especially for the brickwalls that I’m trying to break down … Continue Reading →

Zcan+ Wireless

Typically I blog about DNA or my search to find my family history. But today; I want to speak about a product we have at my on-line store; Shop the Hound.  … Continue Reading →

Who’s Your Pied Piper?

When you work on your family history you discover many events that happen in your ancestors life. Births, marriages, deaths are some of the key ones but there are other major events … Continue Reading →

Who To DNA Test or Not to DNA Test?

  In my genealogy research, autosomal DNA has become one of my favorite subjects  and sometimes the most frustrating. Just because I’m still in the learning process as to what all … Continue Reading →

Hot on the Trail at Roots Tech

This week I’m at Roots Tech,  the largest genealogy conference in North America with an estimate of 25,000 people gathering. People from all over the world; such as the self-proclaimed Commonwealth … Continue Reading →

AncestryDNA Trees – Dig Deeper

One of the major frustrations for someone who’s done their DNA, is when one of their cousin matches doesn’t have a tree connected to their DNA. But that’s where you just … Continue Reading →

Give Me A Circle, My Kingdom For A DNA Circle

I often see posts and blogs about DNA shaky leaves and DNA circles but up until about a month ago I’d never had a leaf and to date I’ve never … Continue Reading →

It’s Christmas Time

It’s times like these that you become nostalgic, and just like Ebenezer Scrooge you are visited by the ghost of Christmas’ past. One of my fondest memories is that there … Continue Reading →

What Better Time Than Thanksgiving and Black Friday

                                                            … Continue Reading →

I Don’t Own My Ancestors I Think They Own Me

Funny after you do genealogy for a while, that so many people feel they own their ancestors. Locked trees, not sharing information; really? Over the years I’ve tried to understand … Continue Reading →