Walk the Talk

If you’re like me, you were raised on family stories. My father has so many stories that I’ve encouraged him to record his stories..more about that at a later date. … Continue Reading →

A DNA Surprise

Harold Alfred Thompson and Lily Myrtle Shannon As I prepared for my DNA Cruise I had a pleasant surprise while searching my matches on Family Tree DNA (FTDNA). I found … Continue Reading →

What Will You Find Out Using DNA?

This is a common question and perhaps some people realize this but it wasn’t as apparent to me when I started on this journey. I was thinking;  I’ll be able to … Continue Reading →

The DNA Kit Race Begins

A few weeks ago I told you that I’d purchase four DNA kits and I was having various family members completing them and sending them in. All the kits were … Continue Reading →

Are we there yet? Genealogy Vacations

Well it’s a bit past vacation time… at least summer vacation time. I live in Canada so we are seeing the leave gently fall as well as the temperature. But … Continue Reading →

DNA Cruising

If you’ve been following along you know that I have more than just a passing interest in DNA for genealogy. So when I heard that Heritage Books was going to … Continue Reading →

DNA Road Trip – DNA Kit In Hand

On Monday I drove 2 1/2 hours each way to see my mom’s second cousin; Margaret. I met Margaret a few years ago through my research on the Beaton and the … Continue Reading →

Four DNA Kits

This past week I received the four DNA kits that I’d  ordered from Ancestry the last time they had a sale. I had decided who I was testing when I … Continue Reading →


  I follow a lot of Facebook pages in the interest of genealogy. I like to read as much as I can on the subject so that if I find … Continue Reading →

That’s Not Fair

When your into DNA like I am;  you test everyone you can talk into it in the family. So I’ve tested myself, my dad and mom, my two sons, various … Continue Reading →