A New Year Resolution

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Genealogy Jar

In 2017 I’m going to make a Genealogy Jar.  I’ve seen other jars that are similar, but this one has a genealogy twist. As you can see by the photo, … Continue Reading →

Expand Your Genealogy Education

I’m always trying to learn as much as I can about my two favorite subjects; Genealogy and DNA. Here are two sites that can help expand your knowledge in the … Continue Reading →

Ten Things You Can Do To Save Money For A Genealogy Present

There was a time that I told my husband; “I would eat the putty out of the windows before I gave up my Ancestry subscription”. Thankfully it’s never gotten to … Continue Reading →

Roll Back Your Clock

Don’t forget that this weekend is that special fall weekend when you roll back your clock. Some of you might be thinking about that one extra hour to sleep, but … Continue Reading →

Are You Reading Your Genealogy?

I always encourage people to “read your genealogy”. What that means to me is;  are you reading books which are either; genealogy how-to books or are you reading novels that are … Continue Reading →

A New Tool For My Toolbox and A DNA Angel Alert

Today I’d like to tell you about a new tool I’ve purchased to create videos. It’s called Animoto and I’ve already created a few videos. The first one I created was … Continue Reading →

Fishing In Three Ponds

With the recent announcement by 23andMe that they will now offer a DNA test that is for genealogy purposes; you now are able to fish in all three ponds for … Continue Reading →

What Can I Do With My Photos?

At a recent meeting a lady asked me; what can I do with my photos after I’ve scanned them?  Often I have to rein myself in when I get asked … Continue Reading →

If School’s Back, Can Christmas Be Far Off?

School is back in session and this always makes me feels like I should get organized. It also makes me think that Christmas is just around the corner and it time to get busy and … Continue Reading →