2021 – A Brand New Year

How many years have you made resolutions, and then three weeks into the year, they are long forgotten? I’ve done it a few times, that’s for sure. So this year, I’m not making resolutions; I’m making a plan. Continue Reading →

The Monochrome Project

You know me, I’m always trying to get my “Poop In A Group” well, at least my photos.. and my genealogy life. Continue Reading →

I’m Getting My Poop In A Group This September

Join me for the third year of “I’m Getting My Poop In A Group” and saving my photos. Continue Reading →

Preservation Week

(if you’re looking for my beautiful tree it’s at the bottom of this post) According to the American Library Association, April 26 to May 2, 2020, is Preservation Week. As … Continue Reading →

Let’s Play Social Distancing Bingo The FOREVER Way

Play a little Social Distancing Bingo* with me and earn prizes! 1 row any direction – entered into a $10 Forever Gift Certificate Draw 2-4 rows in any direction – … Continue Reading →

My Three Rules

Last year at a FOREVER conference I met a lady that impressed me and I took her advice to heart. At the time of the conference, I had already committed … Continue Reading →

Cooped Up Photo Challenge

Yesterday I told you how I was self-isolating so that I could be healthy to visit my dad after his stroke and after my arrival back from Arizona. So yesterday … Continue Reading →

My Word Of The Year Is An F Word – Focus

We’ve all had those moments where we are working on our genealogy or photos… but especially genealogy, and you find a recordset or a document, and you’re off in search … Continue Reading →

Genealogy Rewind First Step

In a recent blog, I told you that I’d decided to do a Genealogy Rewind of sorts. When I started doing genealogy about 20 years ago, I read nearly everything … Continue Reading →

When You Find An Unexpected Treasure In Your Parents Things

You all know that in 2018, my father moved to a senior’s residence, and I helped him go through his home in preparation for the sale of the house that … Continue Reading →